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Usese Of Cross-reference Is Word For Mac

A caption and a cross-reference in a text. Captions are titles of Tables, Figures, Equations, Boxes and other pieces of content which are separate from the main text. Academic standards require that captions are sequentially numbered, referred to in the main text, and sometimes listed in the beginning of the publication. MS Word has a set of features to effectively manage your captions. Use Insert Caption command to add a new caption. I have a special for this command because I use it so often. The command invokes a dialogue window which lets you to choose the type of caption (among default as well as user-defined) and the number format.

  1. Usese Of Cross Reference Is Word For Mac Shortcut
  2. Is Word For Mac Compatible With Word For Pc

Usese Of Cross Reference Is Word For Mac Shortcut

Numbers can be of many different formats, can start at any number or letter, and can include chapter numbers (e.g. Adobe bridge for photo manament mac 2016. Figure 3.2, Box 6-a). You can change the formatting of the captions by using the Insert Caption dialoque window and clicking on Numbering Word automatically assigns the number based on the caption of the same type directly preceding the one you’re inserting. When you add, remove or move around your captions MS Word automatically renumbers them to retain the correct sequence. Insert caption dialogue window As a bonus, each caption is assigned the same Caption style, which can be adjusted to make the document look professional, for example to set your captions a certain distance from the preceding text or make sure that they are always on the same page with the following paragraph (which is essential not to have a page break between, say, a table and its caption).


Is Word For Mac Compatible With Word For Pc

To mention a caption in the text use the Insert Cross-reference command (I also have a keyboard shortcut, in fact one of my most frequently used). This command brings up a dialogue window where you can choose whether you want to refer only to the number of the caption, the label and number (e.g. “ as shown in Figure 5.1”), the whole text of the caption, the page number on which the caption is located, or whether it is above or below your mention. To stop onedrive from appearing as a saving choice for word 2016 mac. Insert cross-reference dialogue window The Insert Cross-Reference function can be used to refer to virtually any numbered or specifically styled content, not only to captions. For example, “this discussion continues in section 5–3″, or ”as detailed in Footnote 18 on page 64“. Cross-references are updated automatically (and what a pain it would be to do this manually!). Finally, MS Word can automatically produce a list of captions (e.g.

How to do different first page in word for mac. The “Field” dialog box displays. In the “Field names” list, scroll down and select “Page”.